Donation instead of gifts
FIS ASP Spende Sternstunden 2024

Donation instead of gifts

Doing good together with the Sternstunden campaign

At Christmas time, the focus is often on gift-giving. However, as in previous years, we as a company have decided to take a different approach: Instead of

Instead of handing out gifts, we want to make a difference together and help where support is urgently needed. Our motto is therefore: donations instead of gifts.

We are delighted to be able to support the Sternstunden campaign this year with a donation of €10,000. The Sternstunden campaign has been committed to helping children in need for years and supports projects that give children in need a better future. From educational initiatives to medical care – every project gives hope and prospects.

However, our commitment would not be possible without our loyal customers, partners and employees. They all help to make this donation possible. We would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are an essential part of this campaign and show that together we can achieve great things.


FIS-ASP Application Service Providing und IT-Outsourcing GmbH
Röthleiner Weg 4
D-97506 Grafenrheinfeld

Phone.: +49 97 23 / 91 88-500
Fax: +49 97 23 / 91 88-600

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